A one off payment for unplanned school lunch.
If you are making payment for more than one lunch or more than one child - please use the 'add to bag' for each transaction and then you are able to pay in one go by going to the 'shopping cart'.
If you are unable to remember the exact date the lunch was provided - please guess as close as possible!
Mondays: Enchilada & salad
Tuesdays: Curry, rice & salad
Wednesdays: Quiche, wedges & salad
Thursdays: The lasagne & salad
Fridays: Ciabatta pizza & salad
Please enter dietary requirements or requests on every order.
All meals are served with pudding or fruit.
Jackets potatoes are served with baked beans and grated cheese unless specified in requests section.
Meals are packed up for classes 1-6 and served in the canteen for classes 7-12.