*This week is Monday to Thursday as Friday 28 March school finishes at 12:30*
Mondays: Enchilada & salad
Tuesdays: Curry, rice & salad
Wednesdays: Quiche, wedges & salad
Thursdays: The lasagne & salad
Fridays: Ciabatta pizza & salad
Please enter dietary requirements or requests on every order.
All meals are served with pudding or fruit.
Jackets potatoes are served with baked beans and grated cheese unless specified in requests section.
Meals are packed up for classes 1-6 and served in the canteen for classes 7-12.
*Ad hoc booking: It is not possible to book on the day from the kitchen.
*Absences: Lunches missed due to absence from school cannot be refunded.
*School trips: Lunches will not be provided on class trips off site. A credit note will be issued in these instances.
*There are no school lunches on the last day of term when the school day finishes at 12:30
*Please direct all dining queries to dining@michaelhall.co.uk